Introduction to Report Explorer

payroll comes with approximately 200 standard reports which have been designed to cover a broad range of requirements. payroll offers a number of solutions to provide additional reports. The Report Writer module is used to create additional reports in-house. Custom-designed or enhanced reports can also be commissioned from the HR3 support team

Opening the Report Explorer:

In navigator select Report Explorer


In the payroll desktop click on the Reports button.


From the File Menu select Report Explorer.

Types of Reports Available:

The left hand pane of the Report Explorer is used to access all reports:

  • System Reports contains approximately 200 pre-installed reports, grouped by subjects such as Employee Based and Historical.
  • The User Reports folder is used to store any reports which may have been customised for your company.
  • A recycle bin is used to store any deleted reports.

Favourite Reports

Reports which are run frequently can be added to the Favourites folder, which is easily accessible from the HR3pay desktop. This saves you time and effort, as the report is available in a couple of mouse clicks, rather than opening the report explorer and searching for the report each time you need it. For further information see "Adding a report to Favourites:".

See the following pages for more Report Explorer information:

Report Explorer Toolbar

Report Explorer Settings

Filtering Reports

Split Options

Previewing and Sending Reports

Report Batches

Deleting Reports

Importing New Reports

The Optional Report Writer Feature